
ML HealthCare Management System

Major Project Submission Submission By Group Number 59

The Project ML care is a healthcare system, which makes the overall work of the hospital easier and provides better results in mental and women health-related fulfilled problems.


Brief About The Project

With the increasingly electronic and digital presence of the nation having electronic healthcare management that too with comprehensive solutions for medical workers doctors patients by providing them with personalised portals having different own options and features and providing an ML- powered form system for collecting information regarding symptoms and giving a tentative disease which later can be diagnosed by proper tests and other required and prescribed procedures as per the norms and regulations. the application also tries to resolve the requirement and dependence on paper-based infrastructure and make everything digitalised and secure


Dillinger uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

And of course Dillinger itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.


ML Care requires Node.js v10+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

cd Major-Project
npm i
nodemon app.js

Usage And Deployment

Verify the deployment by navigating to your server address in your preferred browser.



Free Software, Hell Yeah!